Sunday, February 13, 2011

A New Blog and Borough, The Podium

I've been meaning to re-create a blog for ages. My last one was at - and I'm almost embarrassed to say it - Xanga! (gasp) back in my early teens. But I had good fun and memories on that site. Here after that, I maintained a private file in my computer.  But now, here we are, at a new blogging home with new settings and functions to re-learn. Finally! This is my blog of life highlights - restaurants I've loved, memories I've created, even bargains I've scored. Today, what's on my mind is Borough at The Podium, whose tagline is Comfort Food 24/7.

I've been hearing and reading good things about Borough for quite a while ever since it opened last year. The pictures of the food looked amazing, the location was convenient, and the prices actually seemed quite reasonable which is a good plus! So when J asked where I wanted to eat last Friday, it was one of the natural choices that came out. And I'm glad, because it did not disappoint. J was also pleasantly surprised that the servings were big, or at least moderate enough in comparison to his voracious appetite. We ordered only three things, but we were quite full!

1) Grilled cheese with tomato soup P260 

YUM! I loved this. Being the cheese afficiado that I am, the moment I saw this being well-reviewed, I just knew I had to have it. Despite enjoying homemade grilled cheese sandwiches courtesy of a sandwich maker (paired with either fresh tomatoes or a dashing of garlic powder), nothing still beats mozzarella and all the other deli cheeses. In this case, the cheese was goey, a visual plus that adds anticipation to the first bite. The mixture of the four cheeses was also well-blended resulting in a flavorful taste that had just enough bite (just enough to have a very mild, subtle salty taste). The tomato soup was just okay. It kind of reminded me of grocery-bought tomato sauce, so there were no surprises there. 

2) BBQ Pulled Pork P220 

This one was a ginormous sandwich paired with some potato chips. It definitely came out bigger than we expected. It had a really different taste - surprisingly sour. Later on, we found out that it was because of the coleslaw mixed with the shreds of pork. Very filling, good value for money, but I think I'm more of the traditional beef sandwich girl (meaning I'm not a fan of the sour coleslaw flavor). 

3) Cheese Injected Portobello Pita Pocket P270
Must. Order. It looks diminutive and harmless, and deceivingly so. Because when you bite into the oozing rich flavor, you almost have to close your eyes to appreciate it. I can't differentiate where the mushroom begins and where the cheese ends, and I don't care to. I just savor it. All the things I love in one bite. 
All in all, it was a good dinner. The service was good (they refill your water glasses without asking, always a plus) and the ambiance was nice enough. All dark and wooden interiors making it look pretty classy. Would definitely share this with my younger brother, who equally enjoys eating his food with gusto and trying new hip restaurants. 
